Ceita Yesus Waktu Kecil Ketengban

The Boy JesusMatt. 2:13, 16, 20, 22, Luke 2:39-52Yesusda, yambul mi tuba kuramu taru tep upuKing Herod wanted to kill the child who was born to be "king of the Jews," so Joseph quickly took Mary and Jesus to Egypt. After Herod died, they returned to the land of Israel and lived there in Galilee. Matt. 2:13, 16, 20, 22Pumun taru, Galilea mutu taleamu ngebo, er sida Raja Herodesdi, ‘Amida, Israel nesala sun ila nimi deiyo ngebo kunkamre,’ perami mi, amida popkamne’ tenen, pio eramu. Ukuramua cadi, ken deiki di Allah er im deiki pel don ngebo malaikatdi Yusup tep aupu lap pepupa, Yusupda, ‘Raja Herodesdi nun mi popserur’ tenen, ami cap, er nin Maria cap dopra, Mesir mutu dubeu. Dabena kuramipane, amenda taru Raja Herodes depu pangeda, tamupra sun pe mutu, Galilea mutu tamupra yaidi, dakurami.Jesus grew up in the town of Nazareth with his mother Mary and her husband Joseph. He became strong and wise and God blessed Him. Luke 2:39-40Maria cap, er nenge Yusup cap, sun pe mutu, Galilea tara neitamai, akati arum si Nasaret mutu tamupra berei taruda, Yesus dopra berei. Bereidi, sun dakuramyanen, Allahdi Yesus tep, kange deriramudi melimamupa, ila di nepbaramudi er nong puto cap, Allah kun keca kael kemna deiyo keca cap, er kange dipru neitamai weik kupbaramu.Each year Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast. When Jesus was twelve years old, they took him with them on the long trip to Jerusalem.Luke 2:41-42Uda, Yesus er nin Maria cap, er nai Yusup cap, keteng tamun, keteng tamun yuma Kaplemna Kailya Kalemna tep, Yerusalem mutu baramrei. Aketeng tamun yuma baramreitopu, Yesus nepbaramnganen, keteng tamun 12 tahun konum kupupa, Kaplemna Kailya Kalemna tep, Yerusalem mutu bei.When the Passover feast ended, Mary and Joseph left Jerusalem to go home. They thought Jesus was with the others in their group. They did not know that he had stayed in Jerusalem.Luke 2:43Kaplemna Kailya Kalemna konum jepi pangeda, Maria cap, Yusup cap, ‘Nun mutu tamupra benkup’ tenen, sun berei dinin, Yesusda, Yerusalem mutu apu kunmauada, sun men kael kepreidi, ‘Kikiman bepa’ tenen, tali mankau kange doupra berei.They thought he was with the group so they walked all day without seeing Him. They asked all their friends and relatives about Jesus, but no one had seen him. So they walked back to Jerusalem to find Him.Luke 2:44-45Tali mankau kange doupra, bisi banmareipane, tenpu tumi konum kupu pangeda, bisi neitamai tup banmai taru di, ‘Nun kayapu neng cap, nun yala neng cap, Yesus cap dakunmang do?’ tenepreidi, ‘Yesus dan kunmar do?’ tenen, sun kayapu neng kori dirberei.  Dirberei dinin, Yesus aca men kunmaupa, men antaprei dingeda, adipapu tamupra, ‘Yesus dan cei kunmar do?’ tenen, Yerusalem mutu yanmareiyaipu tamupra erberei.Joseph and Mary searched all over the city looking for Jesus. Then, after three days, they found him in the Temple. Luke 2:46aYerusalem mutu erberei dingeda, ue butene tumi ton cap yumada, Yesus er teppu enmareianen, Allah tep karerbaramidi, er si eremami atida, Yesus akunmaupa eprei.Jesus was sitting among the teachers of the Law, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone there was amazed at how much he understood and how well he answered.Luke 2:46b-47Yesusda, sun Allah upu peteremna deiyo neng kan-kan bukmaudi, sun penmai upuda, er gekenmaudi asimterenmau.  Sun peteremna deiyo nengdi er tep asimaipane, erdi tamupra sun tep penmau upu yuma gekenmai neng yumada, ‘Uo, ware kuprap di ami akeca yuma weika di kael keamtudi telep kupra pepsetu do? Amida, pio kael mi,’ tenepra lolomai.Mary and Joseph were very surprised to find their son there.Luke 2:48aEr nai cap, er nin cap, epreidi lukdana yuproprei. Mary said to him, "My son, why have you treated us this way? Your father and I have been very worried about you! We've looked everywhere for you!"Luke 2:48bYupropreidi, Mariadi Yesus tep aupu pepu. “Ne mio, kanda waria tep, nun tep ukupsemum do? Kan nai cap, ne cap, ‘Nun mi dan cei kunmar do?’ tenen, nun kange mun kupseupa ekenume,” pepu.Jesus replied, "Why did you have to look for me? Didn't you know I would be in my Father's house?" Joseph and Mary did not really understand what Jesus meant by these words.Luke 2:49-50Upepu pangeda, Yesusdi tamupra pepu. “Waria tep, nai cap, nanin cap, sun butenedi ne tep enererum do? Ne nai Allah er ati adipapu kunkamnada, men teneipmanerem do?” pepu. Upepupane, sun butene konum gekeprei dinin, ‘Deiyoda atep pepmaser’ tenen, betapra men kael keprei.Then Jesus went back to Nazareth with his mother and Joseph. There He was always obedient to them. His mother remembered and thought about all these things.Luke 2:51Amendada, Yesus cap, sun butene cap, sun pe mutu Nasaret mutu tamupra bei dingeda, er nin er nai peramrei upu yuma gekepra kuramu. Er nin Mariadi, Yesus penmau upu cap, sun dinmarei keca cap, ange yumada, er dipru neitamai pio tenimamu.Jesus grew in mind and body. And he grew in favor with God and people.Luke 2:52Allahdi Yesus tep, kange deipudi, pio melimamupa, Yesus er nong cap, Allah kun keca kael kemna deiyo keca cap, weik kupbaramupa, nesala yumadi er tep kange derirami.


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